10 Chaga Mushroom Benefits for Skin – Don’t Miss

Forget about popular brands and high-pricey creams that become regular skin health needs.

The secret to glowing skin might hide in the woods, on the underside of trees, as chaga a fungus that looks like charcoal.

This old superfood is not just famous on Instagram as a cafe tea but also has a lot of powerful bioactive benefits. And also, you can add this to your skin care routine.

In this blog post, let me show you 10 chaga mushroom benefits for skin, as well as how to use it in your skincare routine.

What are Chaga Mushrooms?

chaga mushrooms

Chaga mushrooms (Inonotus obliquus) are a fungus greatly used for centuries in China, Korea, Russia, and some other western countries because they work as medicine and health food.

They grow on birch trees in cold places, especially in Russia, Siberia, Northern Canada, and parts of the Northern United States. On the bark of birch trees, they appear like a black, burned mass, but on the inside, they are a rich, golden brown color.

Because they have a high level of antioxidants, proteins, minerals, fiber, and vitamins, they are used for many diseases as a treatment like cancer, inflammatory diseases, skin conditions, type 2 diabetes and others.

Key Bioactive Compounds

There are many health benefits to chaga mushrooms, especially for the skin. They are full of bioactive compounds. Below, we list the main components.

  • Beta-glucans. These polysaccharides enhance the immune system and have anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Melanin. Provides antioxidant protection and helps improve skin pigmentation.

  • Triterpenoids. Compounds with anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties.

  • Polyphenols. Antioxidants that protect the skin from damage and aging.

Benefits of chaga mushrooms

  • Reduce Inflammation
  • Boost Immune System Health
  • Reduce Cholesterol Levels
  • Reduce Blood Sugar Levels
  • Protect from Cancer
  • Boost Digestive System Health
  • Protect Liver from Damage

10 Chaga Mushroom Benefits for Skin

There are 10 magical benefits of chaga mushrooms for your skin:

1. Antioxidants and Anti-Aging

They are rich in antioxidants and protect your cells from free radicals, which damage them and cause wrinkles, fine lines, and other signs of aging. And also fight with oxidative stress.

2. Anti-Inflammatory

Because chaga has anti-inflammatory properties, it can treats skin with irritation, inflammation, and redness.

If you have inflammatory conditions like eczema, rosacea, or acne, chaga mushrooms can treat them.

They can help reduce inflammation in the body overall. People can benefit from this because it may treat chronic inflammation-related diseases, such as arthritis.

3. Promotes Collagen Production

Collagen is the protein that makes skin elastic and thicken. Sadly, with age, the production of collagen naturally drops.

Chaga mushrooms increase the speed of collagen production, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and give you a smoother and younger look.

4. Hydration Booster

Chaga mushrooms have hydrating properties that are important for dry and sensitive skin. Give you the power of hydration and your overall body.

Because in chaga, beta-glucans provide hydrating molecules.

These moisturizing qualities reduce dryness and irritation.

 5. Skin Brightener

Chaga mushrooms reduce hyperpigamentation, which makes the skin even tone, reduce the dark spots, and give you a brighter and even tone look.

6. UV Radiation Defense

The antioxidants in chaga also offer protection against UV damage, which is a major cause of skin aging and damage, and skin cancer.

Because chaga has the bioactive element melanin, which increases the production of melanin in the skin, also protects the skin from sun damage.

7. Wound Healer

Chaga has been used for centuries as a tea for digestive disorders and to support wound healing. It’s meant that chaga is beneficial for wound healing.

It’s wound healing process reduce the appearance of scars and injuries and make the skin clean and brighter.

8. Anti-Bacterial

Having anti-bacterial effects, chaga mushrooms could be effective at killing bacteria.

Many people who have acne or other skin infections may find this helpful.

9. Balance Oil Production

Chaga’s bioactive ingredients, which include polysaccharides, betulinic acid, and many antioxidants, help to balance the skin’s natural oil production.

Too much oily skin can cause acne and clogged pores, so chaga helps keep the skin’s barrier healthy and balances oil production.

10. Improves Skin Barrier Function

Your skin barrier works as a front line of defense against irritants and toxins in the environment.

Chaga mushrooms could help to improve this barrier, effectively reducing the damage that can harm your skin.

Different forms of Chaga mushrooms

Chaga mushrooms are available in different forms:

  • Chaga powder (Use in smoothies, soups, or other beverages)

  • Chaga capsules

  • Chaga skincare products (such as creams, serums, or masks)

  • Chaga extracts (Use to add in beverages, such as water or juice etc.)

  • Chaga in Coffee or Hot chocolate

How to use Chaga Mushrooms?

You can use chaga mushrooms in different ways, but how you use them depends on your personal choice. There are common ways to use chaga mushrooms.

1. Chaga Tea

chaga tea

  • Pros: It’s simple to prepare—you can choose how much to drink, and eating the mushroom matter may be beneficial for your health.

  • Cons: It can be bitter, and you have to strain out the mushroom chunks.

How to make chaga Tea?

Take ingredients…

  • Chaga mushroom chunks or powder
  • Water
  • Optional: honey, lemon, or other flavorings


If you use chunks, make sure they are clean. If you want to use powder, measure out the amount you want (about 1-2 teaspoons per cup of water).

Boil the water, and then add the chaga chunks or powder. Reduce the heat and let it cook slowly for 30 to 60 minutes.

To make the tea stronger, you can let it cook in a slow cooker for a few hours or even overnight.

If you used chunks, remove them from the water. Use a fine cloth strainer or cheesecloth for straining the tea if you used powder.

Put the tea in a cup. If you want, you can add honey, lemon, or other flavors and enjoy…

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Is Niacinamide Good for Oily Skin? (2024)

2. Chaga Tinctures

chaga tinctures

  • Pros: Long storage time, easy dosing, pure extract.

  • Cons: It can take a long time to make, has a strong taste, and needs alcohol to be extracted (not suitable for everyone).

There are a lot of steps and high-proof alcohol needed to make chaga tinctures.

It’s best to buy tincture from a trustworthy source if you’re not an expert tincture maker.

Important Points to Remember

There is no doubt that studies on the benefits of chaga mushrooms for skin and overall health are promising, but research is still ongoing.

But more clinical research needs to confirm the correct dosage and effectiveness.

Focus on the source and quality of the chaga products you use. Choose carefully sourced organic products.

People who are taking blood-thinning medications should talk to a doctor before using chaga because it can cause severe blood clotting.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women should also talk with a doctor before using chaga.

Also Read:

Amla Oil for Skin: Top Benefits, Best DIY Remedies & More

Final Thoughts

Are you ready to include magical chaga mushrooms in your routine to improve your skin? Before using it, please talk to your doctor, because he will advise you on the best way to use chaga mushrooms.

Please share your experiences with chaga mushrooms, and if you have any question, please tell us in the comment below….

Thanks for reading…. : )


1. Chaga mushroom: a super-fungus with countless facets and untapped potential

2. Recent Developments in Inonotus obliquus (Chaga mushroom) Polysaccharides: Isolation, Structural Characteristics, Biological Activities and Application

3. Molecular insights and cell cycle assessment upon exposure to Chaga (Inonotus obliquus) mushroom polysaccharides in zebrafish (Danio rerio)

4. Chaga mushroom extract inhibits oxidative DNA damage in human lymphocytes as assessed by comet assay

5. Evaluation of Toxicity and Efficacy of Inotodiol as an Anti-Inflammatory Agent Using Animal Model

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Adeel Ahmad is an energetic blogger and researcher with 2 years of experience on the way to the best skin health. With a focus on healthy skin and skin care research. Adeel shares practical tips, expert insights, and his own learning journey. Join him as he uncovers the secrets of a balanced lifestyle and discovers the beauty of well-nourished skin.

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